Thursday, May 1, 2008

May 1, 2008

Al Jazeera cameraman Sami al-Hajj is freed.

Thank God. Praise Allah.

Fuck the hypocritical Bush administration.

Sigh... Worldwide starvation, torture by a country supposedly in favor of democracy. al-Hajj says, the Bush administration "wants to flush as many men out of Guantanamo as quickly as possible ... as Guantanamo has become such an international badge of shame."

The Bush administration can never make up for their wrongdoings.

It is my hope that the world never forgets all the wrongs they have committed.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

April 26, 2008

x One Day Poem Pavillion
x Sweet set of drawers by EmmeBi
x Turtle wheels... :(?

Friday, April 25, 2008

April 25, 2008

x "How to Deconstruct Almost Anything"


Thursday, April 24, 2008

April 24, 2008

A penny for your thoughts,
a nickel for a kiss,
a dime if you tell me that you love me.

x Abandoned luxury hotels in Egypt
x Juan Diego Florez breaks the Met's ban on solo encores
x Wiki: Pete Seeger
x Wiki: Juan Marti

Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 17, 2008

God, please.

The UN was right to protect Preval from the demonstrators, but what has the UN been doing for the Haitians? Have they been pushing for the government to end port restrictions that cause donated food to rot in ship containers? The UN bungled the elections years ago, but apparently it's okay with them to have ballot boxes stuffed as long as the candidate they support is the announced winner.

I don't criticize the hard-working UN workers, but the higher-ups in far away offices that don't understand the value of a human life.

The United Nations is such a fantastic idea, and it has been my dream to work for them... But the incompetence and bureaucracy is so heartbreaking. I applaud the UN workers in the field. They are the ones that deserve the most credit and gratitude. I hope to join them someday.

As a side note, bless poor General Dallaire's heart.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 15, 2008

Let's learn about the world food crisis... en francais!

x L'Asie menacee d'une crise alimentaire
x Crise alimentaire au Zimbabwe
x Affame, Haiti sombre dans la violence
x Defi majeur du XXIe siecle
x La Banque Mondiale sonne l'alarme
x Le monde se mobilise pour eviter la pire
x Mobilisation contre la famine en Haiti
x NYT: Fuel Choices, Fuel Crises, Finger Pointing
x Al-Jazeera: Re-thinking food crisis solutions
x Al-Jazeera: the Recipe For Food Rights

Discussion sur la crise alimentaire:
x France24
x Al Jazeera

And some thoughts on Iraq:
x Iraq's Lethal Fieldwork
x Iraq: Did the Surge Work?
x Iraq 5 ans apres, un calme precaire
x Al Jazeera Discussion: Was it worth it?

x Le premiere PM kosovar accuse de trafic d'organes
Uh. This isn't mentioned in U.S. news sources?

NWA 5719

Saturday, April 12, 2008

April 12, 2008

I haven't been lazy. Just busy.
Zimbabwe, I'm still waiting on you.

I made chana masala today. Yum.

x the Ten Weirdest Computers
x Bush Endangers U.S. With Foot-and-Mouth Disease
x "the Hollowed-Out Economy"
x Wiki: the Jewish Exodus From Arab Lands
x velleity: a mere wish, unaccompanied by effort

x Wiki: List of universities in Jordan
I want to go somewhere cool for grad school...