Friday, March 28, 2008

March 28, 2008

I got a twitter account. Eww.

I've just found out about memri. Awesome.
x "Lebanon will never be one of the posts of the Middle East"

Poor Lebanon. If I could live in a different country, it would be Lebanon. It seems like it's going to explode soon, though. Possibly this year. I hope I'm wrong.

x Clay Shirky on organizing without organizations
x Hezbollah Tofu -- blog on veganizing Bourdain
x Mugabe's opponents forced to eat election posters
x Helping to house the poor
x Overclocking an XO laptop
x Solving climate change
x NYT, Dream For Darfur vs. the Olympics
x al-Jazeera, Beirut urges pressure on Syria
x Protesting monks embarrass China

x LA Academy of Figurative Arts schedule... ;)

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